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All of my services are designed to inspire and support transformation; to assist you in unlocking and living true to the most authentic version of yourself. The truth is, we never stop becoming the most authentic version of ourselves. It just becomes easier and more graceful with the right support and tools. 

Depth Hypnosis

Depth Hypnosis is a transformative hypnotherapeutic model connecting you deeply with your inner guidance.


Connecting to your breath can help you identify and move stagnant energies, and move into deeper awareness.

Meditation & Mindfulness

Becoming mindful is the foundation of expanding consciousness, and meditation is the vehicle that brings us there.

Quantum Human Design

Understand your unique energetic blueprint and design to unlock your highest potential for your health, relationships, abundance, career, and more.

Depth Hypnosis

Depth Hypnosis, a methodology developed by Isa Gucciardi, PhD, is a transformative hypnotherapeutic model that connects you more deeply with your inner guidance, allowing you to grow an inner friendship built on self love, trust, and resilience. 


Depth Hypnosis can quickly and effectively shift behaviors and attitudes that keep you from true happiness. Depth Hypnosis is effective for:​

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Trauma

  • Addictive Behavior

  • Poor Self Esteem

  • Self Doubt

  • Fear 

  • Relationship Issues

  • Exhaustion


Sliding scale and low cost sessions are offered for those who qualify. Connect now to begin mapping your path to inner happiness and freedom. 



This is a two part Pranayama that helps move stuck energy being held in the body, and moves you into connection and awareness of the universal life force within. Pranayama is an ancient Vedic breath practice. In Sanskrit, prana loosely translates to "life force" and yama to "control or restraint." You can find an excellent article about it here. This type of breath is considered an active meditation, and is really helpful for people who have trouble quieting their mind enough to hear inner guidance. 


Discover the ways that connecting to your breath can help you identify and move stagnant energies, move into deeper awareness of how you are holding negative thought patterns and blocks, open your heart center and activate your creative genius. In a one to one breath work session, you will be guided into a two part breath where different energy healing modalities will be used to assist you in: â€‹

  • Releasing stuck energy

  • Releasing pain held in the body

  • Releasing negative thought patterns

  • Aligning the energy centers in your body

  • Connecting to your highest good


A breathwork session will leave you feeling relaxed, energized, and back in alignment with your highest self!

Mindfulness & Meditation

The heart of my personal practice is focused here. Becoming mindful is the foundation of expanding consciousness, and meditation is the vehicle that brings us there. Practicing mindfulness through meditation begins to realign our thoughts and attitudes towards positive and healthier ways of being, and allows us the space to get clear perspective. It brings us into the current moment where all possibility truly lies. In the context of healing, the ability to be more mindful helps us to see our attachments, aversions and misunderstandings much more quickly. I highly recommend having a daily meditation practice while engaging in any healing work! 


I can work with clients one-to-one or in corporate group settings to assist them with their own meditation practice. It is helpful to have a guide as you begin, to help remind you that mindfulness really is just non-judgmental moment to moment awareness. I teach about the nine attitudes of mindfulness, and give suggestions and support about how to cultivate and bring these attitudes into your practice so that you can keep a compassionate and friendly relationship with yourself as you deepen your mindfulness and meditation practice. 


Quantum Human Designtm

What is Quantum Human Designtm?

The intersection of science and spirituality.


Every person on this Earth came here with a unique soulprint- their very own energetic blueprint with designated themes that inform and teach them the valuable lessons in life to help them grow and initate as a spiritual adult.


Many of us have been conditioned to do things a certain way to achieve happiness, health, and abundance, however, we are not a one size fits all! What works for others may nor work for you, or worse, may be damaging to your overall wellbeing! 


A QHDtm reading will show you how to work with your unique energetic system, and go from feeling stuck, drained, or confused about what direction to go to a state of clarity and understanding. It can help you identify your major life themes and learn how to work with them to move into deeper states of coherency with your unique design. A reading tells the STORY OF YOU, and shares tools to bring you into deeper alignment with the truth of who You really are, and what you are here to create and share with the world.


When booking an appointment, run your chart to the left and send a copy of your chart and the pdf linked here to Readings are in-person if you're local or over zoom. Hit the schedule now button to schedule an appointment, making sure to schedule at least one week from today so I have plenty of time to prepare your reading. 


1371 Laurel Street
San Carlos, CA 94070


650 773 2998



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